We are writing today with our hearts overflowing with joy because of the work that God has been doing in our lives. We have very exciting news. God has been faithful above and beyond our expectations!
There’s a Bun in the Oven!?
First of all, we would like to announce that we are expecting our first child. We know this is one of God’s miracles and are thankful to Him for this precious gift to us. I am 35 weeks along in my pregnancy and am feeling great. Our baby is due at the end of December or early January.
The Journey Begins!
We also wanted to let all of you know that we have joined Wycliffe Bible Translators and will be serving as support personnel overseas. Lord willing, Kurt will be working in computer support and I will be teaching elementary students. We are thrilled to be a part of what God is doing through Bible translation all around the world for those who have never heard the good news.
In June we were at Wycliffe’s Orientation Training Camp in Orlando, FL for two weeks. I had an extra week of training in July for my Education Orientation as a teacher. We treasured our time in Orlando. We learned so much!
The task . . .
The Word of God simply does not exist for an estimated 300 million people on this earth. It’s never been translated into the languages they speak.
Wycliffe translators live among the Bibleless peoples of the world, learning their languages, translating the Scriptures and encouraging a body of believers.
Bible translation is not just Wycliffe’s task though — it’s the task of the whole church. It’s a team effort — Wycliffe, working in partnership with the church, brings God’s Word to those who are still waiting.
Kurt and my part...
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship" (Romans 12:1).
As Paul wrote in Romans, worship involves sacrifice. Sometimes it involves giving up our desires for His. We want to be a ‘living sacrifice’ in His Kingdom work.
At Wycliffe, we know that becoming involved in Bible translation is a sacrifice. We view it as an opportunity to worship, an opportunity to give ourselves to God by participating as support personnel in His work!
Why Bible Translation...
“Would that this one book were in every language, in every land, before the eyes, and ears and hearts of all men!” — Martin Luther
“God’s Word is the foundation: vital to evangelism, essential to discipleship, critical to church growth, and its impact is eternal. The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It never needs furlough, is never considered a foreigner, and makes all other missionaries unnecessary.” — William Cameron
So were do we go from here?
I will be teaching this fall until our baby is born while Kurt will continue to work at his current job. Then early next year we will transition into full time ministry, looking for God’s will in where to take an assignment overseas. Papua New Guinea is one option where the need for our skills is great. We would like to leave as soon as I receive my U.S. citizenship and we raise 100% of our monthly financial support.
In His hands,
Johanna for Kurt, and baby!
Praise God...
· For the life of our unborn baby.
· We have made our final payment for Kurt’s school loans.
· For His provisions for us while we transition from our current jobs to full time work with Wycliffe.
· For allowing us the opportunity to serve Him with Wycliffe.
Please pray with us...
· For continued health for both Johanna and our baby.
· For wisdom and discernment as we decide where God would have us take an assignment.
· For strength and patience as we continue at our current jobs.
· For the sale of home early next year.
· As we apply for Johanna’s US citizenship.
How can we pray for you? Please let us know!