But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! -- Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)
Dear Loved Ones,
First of all we would like to thank you for being a part of our ministry team through encouragement, prayer and partnering with us financially. We have now been back in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for 9 months and feel much more settled than when we first arrived. Kurt has been busy at work and he continues to enjoy what he does. In mid-June, he took a work trip to Madang (a town on the North coast) to help install a 8.5 km wireless link from the Pacific Orientation Course (POC) Center into town. POC is the training center where all new SIL/Wycliffe field members in the Pacific area come to receive basic culture- acquisition and language training. Kurt was gone for 5 days and it was a very effective trip.
(right to left: Kurt installing the wireless link at POC; our family on Matthias’ first birthday)
At the end of June, Kurt and Kassia were able to attend the Agarabi New Testament Dedication. This took place about 30 minutes from Ukarumpa (where we live) and it was a privilege for them to attend this life changing event for the Agarabi people.
(Agarabi New Testament Dedication) – for more pictures see our facebook album: Agarabi NT Dedication
Near the end of July, I (Johanna) began leading a small Bible study for a group of 10th grade girls from our community. I have really enjoyed getting to know these girls and am looking forward to growing with them in our knowledge of the Lord and in loving Him and each other more.
Kassia started 1st grade a few weeks ago and she stays in school until past 3pm! She loves computer class, music, and art. Lukas is starting to play more with his little brother and asks us to bring him into his room in the mornings. Matthias is 1 year old as of August 8th and he is crawling all over but not quite walking yet. We thank God for the gift He has given us in our three precious children!
(our family on vacation in Madang)
Kurt will be taking another work trip this coming October. This time he will go to the Sepik region of PNG (North West corner) where he and coworker will install a VSAT (satellite) internet connection for the Aitape West multi-language cluster translation team and a second one for our SIL regional center in Wewak. Kurt is really looking forward to going to the Sepik, specifically to Aitape West where our good friends Ben and Mandy Pehrson work. We are the Pehrsons’ support team while they are in the village. When they are there and need something from Ukarumpa, we help purchase it and get it to our aviation department so they can receive it quickly.
- Kurt’s trip to Madang went well and his computer skills were much appreciated.
- For YOU our great partners who pray and support us so faithfully.
- Kassia is enjoying school and our two boys are doing well.
- For the girls’ Bible study I (Johanna) have the opportunity of leading.
- For the Agarabi New Testament Dedication in June.
- For Kurt as he travels to the Sepik in October. For his work to go smoothly.
- For me (Johanna) and the kids as we stay home without Kurt for 8 days.
- For our relationship with the Lord to become deeper and stronger and that we can be an example to those around us.
(Matthias and Lukas)
Once again, thank YOU for being a faithful part of our ministry and the work that God is doing in Papua New Guinea.
Johanna (for Kurt, Kassia, Lukas, and Matthias too!)