"It is not hard, you find, to trust the management of the universe, and of all the outward creation, to the Lord. Can your case then be so much more complex and difficult than these; that you need to be anxious or troubled about His management of you?" - Hannah Whitall Smith
Just like this quote I find myself worrying about things that are totally out of my control and completely in God’s and yet he continues to show himself faithful over and over again. We want to give God the glory for the things that he has been doing in our lives and learn to trust him more completely everyday.
Now a quick update on how God has been answering our prayers and taking care of our ever need. Just this last Monday we closed on the house in which the Lord allowed us to spend the last four years in here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. What an incredible answer to prayer just one day before Johanna and Kassia left for Colombia. We have also seen the Lord provide for us financially as we are now completely debt free and several of you have partnered with us so that we can be available to God’s calling in this new chapter of our lives. We are so excited to see what God has in store for us in the months and years to come! In our last newsletter, April, we told you about how the application for Johanna’s US citizenship had fallen through, well we reapplied and several weeks ago Johanna received her new appointment for interview for August, 19th. We are going to be in Waxhaw, NC at that time but we were able to redeem some of our reward miles on Continental for a free flight - just another example of God’s provision.
As I write to you, Johanna and Kassia are visiting with Johanna’s family in Colombia. Johanna said that they both did really well traveling down there but that both of them are coming down with mild colds. Please pray for us as I will be flying down to Bogotá tomorrow and we will be visiting with her family and church there till August 8th. We will return here to Dallas for several days to pack up our things and then drive to Waxhaw, NC to spend the next several months training at the JAARS center. The Inter Cultural Communication and Spiritual Discipleships courses that both of us will be taking are prerequisites for going to the field. I will also be doing some technical training toward the end of our time there. Pray too for Kassia as we will have to put her into child care for the first time so that both of us can attend the courses.
And now what you have been waiting for; some pictures of Kassia. Can you believe she is six months old now?!Kassia after eating one of her first cereal meals and playing with her cube!
Always in his precious hands,
Kurt for Johanna and Kassia Metzger
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