For everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory. All glory to Him forever! Amen. – Romans 11:36 (NLT)
Dear Loved Ones,
Thank you for praying for us last month as we traveled back to Papua New Guinea (PNG). It is nice to be back and we thank God for an uneventful trip and for a smooth transition back into life here as a family. We have been here over 3 weeks now!
Kurt has returned to his job at the Communication and Technical Services Department as the manager for our information and communication technology services here in Ukarumpa. He has been very busy and is excited about the challenges he has at work. Kassia and Lukas started 4th and 1st grade at the end of July and are loving being back at Ukarumpa International School. We are very grateful for the teachers our children have here!
I (Johanna) have been unpacking and organizing our house and also trying to get back to cooking from scratch such as making granola, yogurt, bread, cake, etc. Matthias (who turns 4 on Friday) is still at home with me and I love having his company! He likes to go outside to get spiders, worms, and other insects; and he also picks and collects anything he can find in the bushes.
We are very grateful to our Lord for the wonderful furlough we had. The last 8 months in Colombia and the US flew by, but as we look at pictures from that time; we realize what special memories we made with friends and family. God is good all the time! We count it a privilege to be back working in PNG and we know YOU (our partners) are a huge part of us being here. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making it possible for us to serve here so that the Bibleless people in PNG can have the Word of God in their heart language!
In Christ,
Johanna (for Kurt, Kassia, Lukas and Matthias)
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