Kurt, Johanna, Kassia, Lukas and Matthias

Our family in Papua New Guinea | 2012

Ukarumpa and Aiyura Valley

Ukarumpa is SIL's center of opperations in Papua New Guinea and where we live and work.

Miniafia New Testaments from the dedication in 2010

"God is a Miniafia Man," the loincloth-clad speaker exulted! "Before He was English, and American, and Australian. But today He has become Miniafia!"

Doini Island

Photo by Tim McIntosh (SIL PNG's boat manager in 2008) | Many of the 100's of islands in PNG can only be reached by boat.

Where do you play when you live on an island?

Children from Nubwageta village playing near the shore.

Miniafia New Testament Dedication

New Testament dedications in PNG usually include elaborate processions to welcome the Bibles.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

{Metzger Ministry Update} November 2014 | "Home Again!"

Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” – Luke 1:78-79 (NLT)

Dear Loved Ones,

Thank you for your partnership with our ministry and family here in Papua New Guinea (PNG). We are grateful for your faithful prayers, encouragement and financial support!

We have been quite busy the last two months. In September, Kurt traveled to Madang (a coastal town in PNG) where he worked at the SIL Regional Center. At the center, Bible Translators from the Madang Region are able to go and get resources without having to travel to Ukarumpa, which is located in the Highlands. While there, Kurt installed both wired and wireless networking equipment along with network attached storage for reliable data backup and easier access to data. He was also able to renew relationships that SIL-PNG have with Divine Word University IT staff.



(from top: Outside the Madang Regional Center Office; networking equipment installed in the office)

On October 6th, we received word that my (Johanna’s) dad (who lives in Colombia) had two massive heart attacks. My mom and sisters called and asked me to come to Colombia as soon as possible as they knew my dad (who is 75 years old) was going to have to have open heart surgery. I arrived in Colombia on October 11th and it was a blessing to be able to visit my father at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the hospital.  After performing a cardiac catheterization the doctors determined that my dad had 3 arteries blocked and would need to have triple bypass surgery. His surgery took place on October 24th and he was in the operating room for about 6 hours. Thankfully, he was released from the hospital on October 29th and has been home since. THANK YOU for all your faithful prayers during this difficult time for our family! We praise God that my dad’s surgery was successful and that he is now on the road to recovery.



(from top: Johanna with her dad at the hospital; Johanna’s family at home after the surgery)

After being gone from Kurt and the kids for 4 weeks, I returned to PNG last Friday November 7th. Seeing Kurt and the kids made for a very sweet reunion! Thank you for praying for them while I was gone and for praying for me as I traveled to Colombia and back to Ukarumpa. God carried me through it all and I am happy to be back home.


(Matthias and Lukas welcoming Mommy home!)


Johanna (and for Kurt, Kassia, Lukas, and Matthias!)