Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. - Psalms 27:13-14 (NLT)
Dear Loved Ones,
We rejoice with the Menya people of Papua New Guinea (PNG) who dedicated their New Testament (NT), after more than 40 years of work, on February 23rd! We also praise God that the following language communities of Papua New Guinea will soon receive the New Testament in their heart language:
Baruga NT
Oro, Province, June 2018Doromu-Koki NT
Central, Province, September 2018Kandas (NITI), September 2018
(The Menya celebrate the NT Dedication after more than 40 years of work – photos by North Cady)
Almost There!
Thank you for your love and care for our family. Every month we are humbled by your generosity, encouragement, and support. We know that we would not be able to do our work in Papua New Guinea (PNG) if it wasn’t for your faithful partnership with us! We are encouraged because in the last month some of YOU have decided to partner with us financially on a monthly basis and through one time gifts. Lord willing, we plan to return to our ministry in PNG in July 2018. However, for that to happen, we must have 100% of the monthly financial budget that Wycliffe requires before we will be released to return. Would you like to partner with us? If so, click We will need $124more per month to reach our ministry budget prior to our return. Please pray with us now that God will raise up new partners for our ministry so that we can return? We know He is able!
We need to increase our ministry income by: |
While here in Colombia, Kurt has been able to help my (Johanna’s) brother in law, Augusto, who is the main Pastor of the church Vida Bogota. He has been improving and maintaining the church office network and servers.
(Lukas and Kurt; with the kid’s cousins; Johanna and Kassia)
Please pray with us for my niece’s son Thomas. He is two months old and is undergoing medical testing to see why he has not gained much weight. We are so glad to be here during this time with our family!
Johanna for Kurt, Kassia, Lukas, and Matthias too!
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