The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. – Psalm 19:1 (NLT)
Dear Loved Ones,
Again and again, thank you for your love and care for our family. Every month we are humbled by your generosity, encouragement, and support. We know that we would not be able to do our work in Papua New Guinea (PNG) if it wasn’t for your faithful partnership with us!
(from top: the kids swimming in Madang; Matthias)
Kurt has been working at the Communications and Technical Services, specifically helping our SIL Regional Centre in Lae. He has been setting up a more user friendly network that will work better for all the activity that happens at the Lae Centre. Many SIL translators and members visit this Centre as they pass through on their way to and from villages.
I (Johanna) am very happy to report that I finished teaching Kindergarten in the middle of June. Thank you so very much for your faithful prayers for God to give me strength and perseverance as I taught last semester! God was faithful in answering each one of them.
(from top: Kassia with a cuscus; Lukas – did he really eat that sea slug!?)
Kassia will be starting 5th grade at the end of July and is very excited that she can also attend beginning band and choir. Lukas will be starting 2nd grade and Matthias will attend pre-school 3 days a week.
Love from cold, sunny, and beautiful Ukarumpa;
Johanna (and for Kurt, Kassia, Lukas, and Matthias)
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